And they [devout men from every nation] were amazed and wondered, saying, "Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each of us in his own native language? . . . What does this mean?" --Acts 2:5-6,12
It means God is enough to fill the needs of EVERY human heart.
It means the Infinite Mystery is beyond the limits of any specific human culture.
It means that God is stepping into human hystery - ha ha! providential typo - also human history :) again to reverse the sentence at Babel.
To reverse the sentence of fractured communication. The dispersion is reversed - everyone is gathered into one again in Jerusalem to become one community. They all understand the message of God's love in Jesus Christ. By the power of the Holy Spirit.
It means that God is powerful enough to save. All people. But that he won't do it without human (our) cooperation. The disciples who received this Spirit had to be there, had to go out, had to speak. God did not usurp their free will. He offered a gift, asked to be with them. They were open to it, received it, cooperated with it.
God is powerful enough to save people by His Spirit THROUGH ME too, but I cannot abdicate. I cannot say "no." I cannot stop short of understanding that a powerful driving wind and tongues of flame actually happened 2,000 years ago to real people, and that his Spirit offers and desires to work through me now. I must be open. I must get in or stay in a state of grace, and I must ask, invite Him in, often, and participate. Then I must be willing to speak.
The surest sign we have received the Holy Spirit is love. Charity. That we actually act in love toward others. And of course, peace, patience, joy, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. This is how we know if we have the Holy Spirit. But true healthy communion, relationship, is always a partnership. The Devil possesses. He usurps self-control. The Divine does not possess. The Divine inspires. He suggests, supports, cooperates, and we cooperate with the Divine in us, still being fully ourselves. Perhaps, finally, being more fully ourselves.
Theologians say God is thinking of us at every moment, holding us in existence. What a powerful statement to hold in tension with free will! How can he do both? How can he hold every atom of our being in existence by his Love and at the same time leave that atom perfectly free to move in the direction it chooses? How perfectly (I mean PERFECTLY) infinite, discreet, gentle He must be, to be so intimate with ever particle of our being, to constantly provide its existence and yet not sway it. No force at all. Only invitation.
We make our own choices. With help. But we make our own choices.
Fr. Mike Schmitz once said participation with the Holy Spirit can feel about as spectacular as tying your shoes. Nothing crazy, except a partnership, a relationship, a discreet, beautiful cooperation that produces a simple, beautiful love.
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