Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Only Sane Thing

"Your're crazy!"
"Mmm, maybe," he said.

"Hey, you know that thing you said about my being crazy?  I think I am.  But the best part is: it's just the beginning."
Snap.  Can you imagine if this is just the beginning?  "Alright... alright.  Let's have an adventure, then!"

If this is just the beginning, then I will set as my goals to love you every day more and more.  I want to say, "to love you as no one has been loved," but I am scared to offer, to give that much.  I know love is in sacrifice, if also in delight.  Jesus help me.  There are few among men so worthy, and I know my love for him will take me to You.  I know his love for me will always work to do the same.

Crazy.  If this is just the beginning.  Lord, teach me how to love.

Catholic philosophers say love--seeing the other truly as he/she is, giving all of one's self to that person--is the only sane thing.  My worldview, then, is not yet all the way Catholic.  Help me!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

My Love

I knew you were the one I looked for,
the one long awaited.
And more each time another wasn't.
Your being satisfied my desires
When every other's couldn't.

Nevermind, Love, the winter snows,
that snuffed, for now, the flames.
Crimson coals hide beneath.
Inside their black shells still burn.

The winter snows will come and go.
You were the one I long waited for.
They could never put out my love.
Crimson coals still burn beneath,
If inside black shells.

Winter snows will come and go.
Hidden, quiet, and deep,
my love for you still burns.