Friday, March 15, 2013

Dear Christian, Why Art?

Because God is beauty.

Quite simply.

During the early years of my conversion, I was able to order, at least in my understanding, every aspect of my life toward God.   Except my other biggest love, that is: music.

I pondered - if God is the ultimate good, then all things must exist for God.  Music, however, we so often compose and play "for its own sake."  It is beautiful, and even consuming of the person in an incredible way.  It resonated with my deepest experiences.  But if it was not ordered to the greatest and only true Good, what good was it, really?

I left music for many years because of this, even though my being longed for it and relished it in different ways.  Only recently, has this this philosophical dilemma found its resolution in me.

God is truth, goodness, and beauty.  Any participation we take in truth, goodness, or beauty, is a participation in God.  It forms, or re-creates us into his likeness, and makes us participators in the divine Life.

Being created in God's image and likeness, I am called to speak and act in all truth, goodness, and beauty.  I have a dual nature; I am a physical and spiritual being.  Any creation, work, especially art that is not merely animal (physical) is then a participation in the part of me that yearns to become divine - the spiritual part of me.  It nurtures and grows the spiritual part of me.  It furthers my participation in the Divine Life.  It furthers God's life in me.

Let us, then, make beautiful art and music.

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